Car Brakes Take No Breaks

Car brakes

By TeamAutoShield
May 12, 2021

Don’t Take a Break from Your Car

Alice Cooper said it best: there’s nothing a kid loves like that school bell that rings at the end of the year, signifying summer. It means all their responsibilities to their teachers are over for a long break of fun in the sun. A wave of relief comes; this is true for us as we grow older, too. Just as we did when we were kids, we love the warmer, longer days of summer. The difference is that as adults, our responsibilities don’t go on break. We still have to work, take care of bills, pick up groceries… the list goes on. Don’t take a break from your car responsibilities as the summer comes into reach.

Do a check up on winter-wear

Our cars go through a lot in the wintertime. Maybe you took a trip to the mountains. Check your brake pads and brake fluids. Maybe you didn’t have covered parking in a storm. Inspect for dents from hail. Maybe you had some tire trouble on slippery roads. Check your tires and don’t forget the spare, it needs to be in good condition, too. Maybe you haven’t been using the air conditioning system in your car very much the last few months. Make sure it’s running properly and cool air is flowing so that you’re not stuck in the heat these next few months of summer, which brings us to our next point…

Stay alert on the road

Turning your air conditioning on in the summer is important so that the warmer weather doesn’t make you a bit too comfortable while driving. It’s easy to become fatigued sitting in a hot car while you’re stuck in traffic, running errands, or taking a long drive on a hot summer day.

Get yourself pumped in the car

Jam some upbeat tunes you enjoy or that you can sing along to, or even download some podcasts. Even if it’s just driving to the grocery store, we can always do something to uplift ourselves. There are tons of motivational and educational podcasts and seminars on Spotify, iTunes, and various listening apps. You can also download audiobooks and get to that last chapter you were too tired to finish last night before bed.

Create the right headspace

Keep your car clean and smelling like new. You work hard each day. Why not jump into a clean, fresh smelling car at the end of it? Planning a getaway weekend, or enjoying your retirement by doing some traveling? Creating the right headspace in your car makes traveling more enjoyable.